The new beginnings initiative is a church wide commitment for spiritual growth and rebirth within the church and within each of its members. It is a framework to achieve our mission and vision. We invite all to share in this initiative.
It began in early 2018 as a way to add energy to our worship and service. We met bimonthly for 5 months and evaluated everything we do and want to do in Christ’s service. With church wide support, we developed 5 areas of focus. Our church is alive!
Gathering of Members: We look for ways to gather in Christ’s service because the journey is easier with those you care about and who care about you.
Connecting Members: We are a church family that worships and volunteers together. We welcome new people no matter where you are on your spiritual journey.
Living Worship: Pastor Dan Fernandez brings a focus on energy and meaning to our worship. His services are very personal and we respond by caring for each other and committing to do God’s work. Music is an important element of our spiritual life.